How to Use The Power of Social Media To Help Ideal Clients To Find You

Do you get overwhelmed by social media? Don’t have the patience, the time or don’t know where to start? Do you have a social media presence but it’s not strong enough and it’s not bringing your ideal prospects?

If you don’t think that social media marketing is necessary to your business success, we highly advise that you check out what your competition is up to. It just might shock you that most, if not all, are already benefiting from their strong online presence.

If up until this point you’ve denied the fact that you could benefit from attracting potential clients through social media, you’re missing out on a reported 2.8 billion active social media users worldwide who all use their networks to engage.

That’s right. Your competition is likely already receiving loads of attention, visibility and getting calls from ideal prospects on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Twitter thanks to a well-thought-out strategy.

How can you help ideal clients find you on social media?
It’s not necessary to build a presence on every single social network. Instead, start with two that you know to be the platforms that your ideal clients are most active on. Then build from there. I like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linked In. Recognizing what social platforms these depend on the kind of business you have and on your ideal client’s persona.

Knowing who your target audience is will tell you where to find them online. And once you’ve located them, you need to start developing your social media marketing strategy.

If you want to attract ideally matched clients with a unique strategy on social media, you need to avoid being too pushy. Instead, position yourself as an authority in your field. If you must sell, sell your expertise.

Be a leader in helping people realize their dreams and achieving their goals
On social media, this means posting content related to your industry that provide your audience with relevant information. Join discussions that will make people recognize you as someone who is a leader in your field. As you establish credibility, you’ll expand your influence and build a base of loyal fans.

Focus on building long-term relationships
With social media, it’s easy to get caught up in all the activities. However, in order for you to be successful in attracting ideal clients, creating meaningful connections is key.

Answer questions, and be engaged and above all, offer helpful content. Quality content that is up-to-date and relevant that is aimed at keeping your audience informed on what-is-working-now in your industry should be your priority.

When your followers are convinced that you understand their struggles and have the solutions to their problems, they will naturally come to you. And when they feel they are in the right place, they will stay there.

Commit to showing up on the social networks consistently
Just like relationships in real life, they take time to develop and should be nurtured. Don’t post sporadically and risk weakening your follower’s trust in you. Posting infrequently will cause them to think you are unreliable and they may lose interest altogether. Securing your ideal client’s trust demands that you be accountable, transparent, authentic and above all, consistent.

Have a clear definition of your social marketing goals but also don’t forget that your online presence isn’t all about you – it’s about your audience.

The temptation to get straight to the point and offer your product or service is strong ( I get it! I know you want to help!) However, remember that your future clients aren’t on social media to purchase or want product pushed in their faces. They’re socializing and engaging with people and content they find interesting and informative.

The desire to buy doesn’t come until after they’ve recognized that your brand is trustworthy. When your social media followers realize that you have the solution they are looking for, that you care, they will, in their own time reach out to you.

What kind of social media presence do you have right now? Are you showing up consistently? If not, why?

Talk soon,
P.S. Do you get overwhelmed by social media? Don’t have the patience, the time or don’t know where to start? Do you have a social media presence but it’s not strong enough and it’s not bringing your ideal prospects? Then click here to discuss your challenges, struggles, and possible solutions.

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