The Mindset Shift That Guarantees Business Success

Our business success is directly related to our personal responsibility. In another word, our ability to respond to our business’ demands. When I learned this, everything changed.

To demonstrate the commitment to your business, you must take ownership of your choices and actions. Only you can define success and what it means to you. To be successful, you need to take responsibility for it all – the results your produce, your relationships, your well-being, and even your failures.

Do you compare your level of success to others?


Do you blame others when you don’t achieve your goals?


Ultimately, we are responsible for everything in our lives whether it is good or bad. There is no failure, just feedback. We can’t choose what to take ownership of based on what we are happy with and then deny the things that we are frustrated about.

We create our own circumstances with how we act, react and with our every thought and word. Every choice we make results in everything – from our happiness, disappointments, triumphs, and defeats. So when we point fingers and blame our unhappiness on everything and everyone, we find that we will never be truly satisfied.

But where do you start? How can you stop blaming others and start taking personal responsibility?

Be honest

Acknowledge what you know to be true. If up until this point you’ve done everything to dodge personal responsibility, own up to it and move forward. Without allowing yourself to recognize that you’ve been living this way, you’ll never stop deluding yourself that everyone else but you are responsible for your misshapes.

Stop comparing yourself

Everyone has a different story. Your definition of success doesn’t need to be anyone else’s. Only you have the power to set your own limits. When you compare yourself to others or aim for their level of success, you would have had to live their life and battled through their personal struggles. The ONLY recommended time looking at someone else’s accomplishments is for an inspiration of what is possible.

Don’t play the victim

Blaming others keep you stuck. Think about what you can do to change your current situation. And if you can’t change it, how can you create new ones. Those who choose to play the victim role more times than not have to resort to manipulation of others to get what they want. Don’t think about what others haven’t done to help you find success or what you were denied that could have changed the game.

Every day you have the chance to take charge and steer your business in the direction you want it to go.

Make different choices

Take informed risks and bet on yourself. If you lack a skill, learn it. If you don’t know something, learn it. If you misbehave or make the wrong choice, own it, apologize and move on.

Decide right now that you’re done rationalizing past or present bad behaviors. Choose to set goals based on your personal definition of success. Recondition yourself to no longer blame others. Did you know that reasons and excuses are a result of fear? Be UN-reasonable make decisions without reason but because you know in your gut it needs to be done. It’s time to let go of any excuses.


Talk soon,

P.S. This mindset shift of taking personal responsibility for our results allow our clients and members to excel with confidence. It also makes our time together a positive experience (who wants to spend time with people who just like to blame and complain, right?!)

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