Tag: how to get more clients

8 Strategies To Maximize Your Networking Efforts

Here are 8 Strategies To Maximize Your Networking Effort That Will Lead To More Ideal Clients Coming Through The Door Consistently: Strategy #1: Ditch Negative Nancy Avoid criticizing, negative comments and complaining. Let’s be honest, there aren’t many people who like to hang out with “Negative Nancy.” What is the first thing we think when we come across someone who…

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Make Marketing Your Main Focus (The Antidote For Your Financial Worries)

Most entrepreneurs who are going it solo probably feel like they’re already doing all they can. We get it. You’re probably answering all the emails, taking and processing orders, and maybe even packaging the product, and monitoring shipping. You’ve ensured that every customer is satisfied just as you’d guarantee they would be. However, what you haven’t done is leave space…

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